Hi there !
My name is Kat and welcome to ACIM therapy. I’m a passionate student of A Course in Miracles, and this site is dedicated to helping you better understand and apply its teaching. As a professional psychotherapist, counsellor and energy healer, you’d be right in guessing that I’m deeply interested in healing and self-empowerment.
I’m fascinated with the spirituality of A Course in Miracles, the world of therapy, and how each field can help us live in this mad, uncertain world with an increasingly stable, and eventually boundless sense of inner peace, joy and love. To be clear however, this is a website about the study and practice of A Course in Miracles- not a specific therapeutic modality. A Course in Miracles is not a formal therapy. It is however, incredibly therapeutic, and definitely a form of spiritual psychotherapy.
Full disclosure: First and foremost, I’m fully committed to living the principles of ACIM and speeding up my journey to the experience of changeless inner peace, which is incidentally where you, dear friend, come in. This website is my open invitation to you- fellow student and ACIM-curious folk alike- to join me in diving into the theory and practice of this spiritual discipline, and in so doing, hopefully strengthen our commitment to it. We’re all in this together, so I hope that learning and walking along this path hand in hand will help us each better remember and generalise the material to every aspect of our lives.
So what do I have to offer you, you may ask? In short, I can help you stay focused on actively learning, deepening your understanding of, and actually practising the teachings of ACIM. At the very least, I can offer you virtual companionship and friendship on this incredible path. I know how crazy the Course can sound to the uninitiated, and how nice, and also game-changing, it can be to speak with someone who ‘gets it’ that you can discuss the concepts with.
This is even more so the case if A Course in Miracles is your chosen spiritual path and you’re struggling with some issues that you might want to speak to a therapist about. I’ve been in this position myself, and definitely wished I could find a therapist who also understood the Course thoroughly. At present there really aren’t many of us professionally trained therapists & serious ACIM students out there, so I’m here to raise my hand and flag myself as available for counselling/ psychotherapy sessions to those in the Course, and wider spiritual community, who may want or feel they could benefit from therapy from a fellow Course aficionado.
I also know how hard it can be to really understand and integrate the principles of A Course in Miracles into your life without making some bizarre, at times painful, and often cringe-worthy mistakes- noticeable only with the benefit of hindsight and growth. Hopefully discussing the concepts, sharing what I’ve learnt and the mistakes I’ve made, will help you avoid some common pitfalls and ego-traps that we’re all too likely to fall into along this path.
Ideally, reading about the Course here will help you stay committed to the practice of true forgiveness, and deepen your study and understanding of the material, which will inevitably speed up your own journey to inner peace too. So whether it’s through writing about the Course, or working with you one-on-one in the role of coach, therapist or healer- I’m here to help. As I often remind myself; repetition is not only okay- it’s absolutely necessary and unavoidable. So in that sense, its vital we make repetition our best friend… and well, Jesus/ the Holy Spirit too of course.
So that’s more or less the aim.
You in?
If so, welcome, come right in, and read on!