If you need some support or guidance with your study of A Course in Miracles, ACIM coaching and mentoring might just be what you’ve been looking for. Whether you’re after greater clarity around the Course’s metaphysics, the practice of its teaching, or you have specific concepts you find hard to wrap your head around, coaching can help you prevent painful and avoidable misapplications of the material, and save you time in your spiritual progress.
WHY ACIM Coaching Might Be Right For You
Whether you’re a new or seasoned A Course in Miracles student, you might find ACIM coaching helpful. Why? Because if you’ve stuck with the material long enough, you’ve probably encountered ideas or passages you don’t quite understand, had countless questions surface while reading, and pondered niggling issues that you’re not quite sure how to view in light of the Course’s teaching. Maybe it’s a specific phrase, concept, theme, or section in the Course that you just can’t quite get your head around despite understanding other bits quite easily. Perhaps it’s uncertainty about how a certain situation in your life might be viewed from the Course’s perspective.
All of these are experiences are normal. The length of time you’ve been studying the Course doesn’t necessarily equate to how well you understand it. Even when you feel you understand it very well, you will notice that your understanding of the material also deepens and fills out in unexpected ways over time. Your progress might even appear to regress at times. Every person’s learning pace and path is different. And that’s okay.

Studying ACIM Is Like Studying Anything New: Expect Confusion & Questions To Come Up
There’s no shame in being confused about parts of the Course or even about most of it, no matter how long you’ve been practicing it. Most of us at some point feel like we’re banging our head against a brick wall when we read it- and it’s not uncommon to feel this way many times, and even after years of studying it. Confusion and questions are a natural and essential part of learning anything, so don’t assume something has gone horribly wrong simply because you struggle with it or realise you misunderstood something.
The best thing you can do is view your study of the Course as you would if you were learning anything else: you’re not going to pick up a textbook on a subject you have no prior knowledge of and learn it in one read. Neither would you expect to comprehend what you read in a book that was written in a foreign language- and the Course might as well have been written in a foreign language considering how difficult it can be to grasp. Expect to be challenged, expect confusion, expect questions to come up. But most importantly, be ready to meet them with patience, open-minded curiosity, and a willingness to learn.

ACIM Coaching Is Like Having An After-school Tutor That Supports Your Work With Your Official Inner Teacher
If you would like clarity regarding a particular aspect of the Course, ACIM coaching might be for you. Signing up for ACIM coaching is like having a one-on-one tutoring session. It’s exactly like having a tutor that you see after school if you need a bit of extra support or want to progress faster in your learning of the material you’re studying. You bring your questions or issues you’re struggling with, and I help you clarify and expand your understanding of ACIM and how you apply it. You can have a one-off session or as many as you feel will be helpful.
What’s important to understand is that when it comes to learning about the Course, the school you’re attending is really within you: your classroom occurs in your unconscious split mind and the Holy Spirit is your official inner Teacher. If you’re having trouble with the material or are eager to accelerate your learning and excel in the subject, you get yourself a tutor that is external to school. That’s where I come in. While I’ll never be a replacement for your true inner Teacher; I can be a secondary aid that supports your learning and helps speed up your growth.
You Are Not Inferior or Superior To Anyone Else – We Are Different In Time, But Equal, Worthy, & One & The Same In Truth
As with any formal learning and teaching situation in the world, it’s important to understand that from the Course’s perspective, needing help doesn’t make you stupid or less-than, in comparison to your tutor or teacher. It just means that in time, there are some who have already learnt what you are attempting to learn right now, and that’s precisely why they can be of assistance to you. In the same vein, there are some who have not yet learnt what you already have. In both instances, neither of the two are superior or inferior to the other based on where you are in your journey right now.
Your worth as the Course says, is established by God alone- not by you or anything you have ever done or failed to do. Your worth is immeasurable and completely unaffected by anything in the world, meaning that we are all the same and equal in truth, even though we may appear to be different in time. There’s no shame in where you’re at with your learning. There’s also no real and inherent difference or inequality between us based on external differences in the world. While we continue to experience ourselves as separate from God, we all need help.

ACIM Is Not Easy To Understand – Coaching Is A Growth Strategy That Helps Support & Accelerate Your Learning
ACIM can be a dense and difficult read. It requires study and committed practice in order to properly understand, remember, integrate and apply its principles. Reading it through once, or doing the workbook once or twice, is not likely to be sufficient for the vast majority of us if we want to deeply embed, and get into the habit of living its teachings. What matters is the quality and depth of your learning. So, if you’re struggling to understand what the Course is teaching, how to apply it, and haven’t been able to find the answers you need, don’t waste time and don’t give up. Just get the support you need to keep moving forward with your learning.
This approach is a growth strategy that helps you get to where you’re going- and will eventually get to anyway- just sooner rather than later. What does this mean in practical terms? To accelerate your learning and application of A Course in Miracles means that you save yourself the experience of more unnecessary confusion, pain and suffering. You also get to a more stable state of peace, joy and love quicker, and more often, than you would while you delay your progress. You save time while making the quality of your experience in time better.
If ACIM Coaching Is Not For You, How Else Can You Get Support?
Not sure if getting external help through ACIM coaching is the right approach for you? No worries! The Holy Spirit is your true inner Teacher and Guide who is present with you always- beyond time and place alike. You are never alone and never without access to His Help, which cannot fail to reach you in a way that you will be able to understand and accept without fear. So what to do if you want to access His ever-ready support? Just stay mindful of His presence and keep practicing making yourself constantly available to Him and His unfailing wisdom.
And how exactly do you make yourself available to receive His Guidance? One simple way: you communicate and demonstrate your willingness to receive His internal guidance by practicing His method of true forgiveness. It is this, and this alone, that will ensure you get the real help you always need in every circumstance, which is nothing less than the healing of your unconscious split mind. So whatever you do, stay focused on practicing forgiveness in order to ensure you remain connected to your true and irreplaceable Teacher, the Holy Spirit instead of the ego, and all will be well.