In this fourth and final part of the ACIM and Christianity series, we’ll continue with where part 3 left off, wrapping up its central theme: why Jesus emphasizes that our spiritual practice needs to focus on changing our mind, and therefore thoughts about the world, rather than changing the world …
ACIM & Christianity part 3: Should ACIM be used to change the world?
We’ve been exploring some of the key differences between ACIM and Christianity that make them distinct, not equivalent teachings. Now we turn to the perennial question that confronts those who find solace in any spiritual or religious path: should we use the teaching we've benefited so much from, to …
ACIM & Christianity part 2: spiritual specialness & the fear of judging
KEY DIFFERENCES BETWEEN ACIM & CHRISTIANITY Part one of this current series on ACIM and Christianity explored key differences between both teachings. While the two share superficial similarities that are anchored in Christian terminology and concepts, ACIM is a sharp departure from …