Not everyone believes energy healing can be helpful and not everyone who believes it can be will necessarily find it helpful. And that’s fine. Regardless of what you believe, just find what works for you. If you are curious about energy healing, open to the idea, or if it resonates with you and you already suspect or know it can benefit you, then by all means, give it a go. There’s no harm in trying and there are no dangerous side effects involved.
Energy healing may be especially helpful if you already know that the mind is the source of true healing. It might also be worth trying if you’re at the end of your rope and feeling hopeless because you’re dealing with a condition that you’ve tried everything on with no apparent luck.
It’s vital to understand that A Course in Miracles does not have anything to do with, and thus does not advocate for, any specific form or agent of help in the world. It’s similarly important to remember that having a sickness doesn’t mean you’re a bad Course student, or not forgiving enough. This is a subtle ego-trap that tempts you into reinforcing your unconscious guilt over the belief that the separation from God was real and sinful, which is the original problem we need to heal!
In any case, regardless of the state of your physical health or any other external factors, no one has completed their forgiveness work until they have fully healed their mind of illusions and returned to the non-dualistic oneness of God. In this sense, comparing yourself in any way to others is futile. We are all in the same boat because we all need forgiveness. Moreover, we are all the same seemingly fragmented mind dreaming of separation.
So save yourself time by not doing an ego-guilt-trip on yourself when you’re unwell. By all means, keep reminding yourself that you are not- and cannot be- sick in truth because you are not really the body but the innocent and holy Son of God Himself. But more importantly, keep actively looking for and releasing any thoughts and beliefs you hold that contradict the Truth. It is this process of forgiveness that will remind you of who you really are, without you needing to mindlessly affirm it when you don’t really believe it anyway. In addition to that, just keep looking after your physical, psychological and emotional needs with all the care and love you can muster.
It’s also important to note that there are no guarantees with any form of magical or world-based healing methods, whether conventional medicine, energy-based, or what have you. Within the illusion, all our bodies will eventually die and there are no more or less spiritual ways for the body to pass. Sickness and death are built-in plot devices for every single body.
Ultimately there are parts of our individual story or script that may not change no matter what we do, or how much we forgive. However, this isn’t to say that you should just give up and stop trying to find relief if your symptoms are not improving. It just means you’ll need to keep applying forgiveness to everything the manifestation of illness brings up for you as you continue to search for effective help in the world- whether you ever find it or not needs to become irrelevant. Whether you are at peace, no matter what your symptoms, needs to be your primary focus.
Your forgiveness practice should never be dependent on external outcomes because it was a tool designed to heal the mind, which is not visible or external to begin with. It is a spiritual solution for a spiritual problem. So don’t let your motivation to forgive be ego-corrupted and reduced to only wanting to attain a specific result in the world. Similarly, don’t stop forgiving if you don’t get a specific desired result.
Know that the real goal of forgiveness lies beyond the world entirely- the aim is to heal your mind. Let any manifested improvements that seem to stem from your practice of forgiveness be seen as the icing on the cake or the cherry on top that they really are. The real reward is your mind being healed of the belief that you can be separate from God.
In any case, practicing forgiveness will help you manage and deal with whatever you’re facing- illness or otherwise- because it ultimately leads to an internal experience of less suffering and less misery in general. In other words, continuing to fulfil your function of forgiveness will help you eventually attain a greater sense of peace, joy and strength regardless of external circumstances. This is inevitable, even if it doesn’t seem to be the case in the moment.
“One of the most difficult temptations to recognize is that to doubt a healing (forgiveness) because of the appearance of continuing symptoms is a mistake in the form of lack of trust.”
(M-7.4:1. Italics in brackets mine.)
Remember that the purpose of practicing the Course is to help us attain peace; specifically, the peace of God that transcends the world no matter what. No matter what our personal circumstances appear to be, no matter what the socio-political or cultural context in which we find ourselves, no matter what the condition or apparent health of our bodies.
So keep forgiving, because our true goal was never merely to make the body healthy, perfect, or make our lives better. While there’s nothing wrong with feeling better and enjoying a healthy body- that’s almost everyone’s conscious preference- our true purpose as students of A Course in Miracles is to find and cultivate inner peace by remembering who we really are. In doing so, we will eventually remember God and our reality with Him in perfect Oneness.
The body is not, never has been, and never will be, our true identity. True healing is remembering that we are not the body, and accepting what is true- that we are one mind and spirit in God. And the only way to remember and accept this truth is by choosing to release ourselves from our guilt, fear, and belief in separation, which erases the ego thought system that blocks our awareness of the love of God.
So do the real healing work that only you can do for yourself. As the Course reiterates many times, your one and only function is forgiveness.
“Salvation is my only function here. Salvation and forgiveness are the same.”
And when you seek and use world-based help (magic), remember to see it as merely symbolic of your decision to heal the real problem at the level of the mind.
As students of the Course, it is indeed always and only with the unconscious split mind that we’re truly ever working with. However, none of this is to discourage you from getting the help you need on the level of form- there is nothing wrong with that at all.
Whether you would like to try energy healing or not, I encourage you to keep practicing forgiveness- ACIM’s only prescribed method of healing the mind. The results of this alone may very well surprise you and suffice for your physical symptoms.
However, if, in addition to your forgiveness work, you would also like to enlist my support for dealing with an illness using energy healing, get in touch and let’s find out what’s possible together.
Anything is possible on the illusory level of form, but we simply won’t know what that may look like unless we try.
Wishing you true healing always,
NB. For a slightly different exploration of sickness and healing, check out: “Magic & Miracles: can ACIM students take paracetamol.”
Ann Opinion says
I was planning on reading an individuals story of healing after they experienced a heart attack and subsequent coma. So I wanted to do a quick review of ACIM perspective on energy to stay anchored in the ACIM perspective as I read. I came across these pages entitled WHY I OFFER ENERGY HEALING: HEALING ACCORDING TO ACIM VS HEALING IN THE WORLD. It just what I was looking for and met my needs for concise clarity and beauty. Thank you.